Privacy Policy
User Agreement
BLING BIJOUX Jewelry Privacy Policy
BLING BIJOUX Jewelry, distributor of online products has considered the privacy of customer’s first. Therefore, we need to collect information and use the information necessary to identify an individual according to the PDPA Act and/or computer protection law in Hong Kong.
Our Privacy Policy is how we collect, use and disclose personal information (in some cases), a visitor’s actions with personal data and the choices a visitor makes regarding to the disclosure of a visitor’s information. Their access to our website both directly and indirectly. Whereas the visitor is deemed to have accepted our policy.
Protecting our customer’s privacy is a high priority to us and our company. It is a Trust that a customer has for us and it is something that we always pay attention to. Therefore, we will only ask to use some of your information, including your name and other information related to this Privacy Policy that we have defined. We therefore, only collect information that is necessary for the transactional relationship of BLING BIJOUX Jewelry with its customers.
We will retain your information for as long as the law requires or for a period of time for the purpose of collecting that information. You can visit and surf our website without providing any personal information.
Throughout your visit to our website you will remain anonymous. You cannot be identified until you register an account with us and have logged in with you own account name and password. All account names and passwords when received and archived to BLING BIJOUX Jewelry database system, shall not be shared to any Third-Party group and used in accordance to the preferences of your visit and/or account only.
Personal Information
BLING BIJOUX Jewelry will never sell or allow Third-Parties to engage with the personal information of customers that have been collected.
Personal information collected online will be disclosed only within our group of companies for internal processing purposes only.
When you create an Account with BLING BIJOUX Jewelry, the personal data we will collect will consist of the following information:
Shipping Address
Email Address
Home Phone Number
Mobile Phone Number
The personal information that we will collect, will be used for the following purposes:
For the Delivery of Your Order
To Update the Delivery Information including Any Event where the Customer may need Additional Services
For Providing Relevant Product Information
To Carry out Delivery of Goods According to the Order and Various Services that a Customer may like to know more about Products and Services other than what has been listed on the website.
Apart from the Above Listed, we will also use the Information a Customer Provides us to:
Managing Your Account within Our System
Verify and Submit your Financial Transaction Information for Confirmation of Online Payment.
To Check the Number of Downloads from Our Website. (This is to develop and improve the map and content within the website to better meet the needs of customers as well as allow us to know more about the users of our website.)
So that we can continue to study and know more about the demographic statistics of our customers on our website.
To update useful information and meet your needs. This includes information about products and services from us and for all the reasons mentioned above.
We are confident that you have the same opinions as us and agree that we keep your personal information safe for your benefit who are our customers or future customers.
We would like to submit your personal information including name and address to a Third-Party in the event of delivery of goods such as providing information to freight forwarding companies.
When you register with us on the website, we will use your personal information as information to deliver special offers and promotions from us on various occasions. You can cancel receiving such privileges and promotions at any time. Just click on the unsubscribe link from the bottom of the newsletter that is sent to your email from us.
Your payment for purchased goods will be processed by one on our representatives. You may only pay for the Products through our agents in accordance with the payment information clearly displayed on the Website. You must monitor the payment process and notify us whenever there is a progress or change that his strange, in question or out of the ordinary from your experience and/or opinion.
Your order information will be collected in our system, but for reasons of strict data protection, we cannot retrieve your order information directly. However, you can directly access this information yourself. Just log into the website with your own account. You will be able to view all your processed orders, both pending and awaiting delivery. You can manage settings or change the delivery location information, Bank information and receiving or not receiving newsletters by yourself through your settings and preferences.
However, you must keep the information used for logging in and personal information in the user account confidential so that such information cannot be passed to any Third-Party. We cannot be held liable for any damages that happens with Logins that do not conform to the validity if the damage is not caused by us.
Updating Your Personal Information
You can update your personal information at any time. Just log in with your account on the website at
Security of Your Personal Information
BLING BIJOUX Jewelry would like to assure you that ALL of the personal information we collect about you is best kept in our archives. We protect and safeguard your information with the following measures.
Determine the Scope of Access to Personal Data
Always keep all Technology Devices efficient to prevent hacking into the system.
Destroy Personal Data immediately when the need for storage is over for safety.
Disclosure of Personal Information
We will not disclose any personal information with Third-Parties or Other Organizations in addition to our company groups and individuals who deliver goods you have paid for from BLING BIJOUX Jewelry. BLING BIJOUX Jewelry may be asked to disclose information about you in such a way as to take necessary action in cases where safety, welfare, life and body of another person may be affected or where applicable. BLING BIJOUX Jewelry is responsible and required to comply with the law under the PDPA Act and/or computer protection law of the Kingdom of Thailand.
User’s Computer Information
Every time you visit the website our servers automatically collect information from your browser. Such information includes:
Your Computer’s IP Address
Your Browser Program Type
The Web Pages on that you visit.
The Duration Information of the visit you search within the Website Date and Time of your visit including other statistics.
This information collected is for analysis and evaluation in order to improve our website, products and services. This data will also be used in conjunction with other personal data.
Privacy Policy Changes
BLING BIJOUX Jewelry reserves the right to change and amend this Privacy Policy at any time. And changes to our Privacy Policy will be displayed on our website.
If you are dissatisfied with the Privacy Policy or believe that we have not dealt satisfactorily with your Privacy Rights or would like to provide us with further comments or complaints regarding our policy, your rights and privacy, please feel free to contact our customer service center using the channels listed on the contact us page at